Saturday, March 3, 2007

So Gutter, So Ghetto, So Hood

I feel like hustling today. Like, high heels and black eyeliner. Ah well, I'll rock the jeans and sandals as usual and see where that gets me. This was the first Saturday in awhile that I've been able to sleep in to my heart's content, so I woke up today like a lion and decided to be in a hustling mood. Does that make sense?

Today is a huge shoe shopping extravaganza, including some of the flyest girls in the West. Because of that, I hope that we score big and get all of our shoes for free by flirting with the checker and then giving him a fake phone number. I think the two youngest would be very funny doing that. However, if that can't happen, I'm pretty sure that I want good sales and a chill mood and all the good things that come along with going out for a little spree.

Caleb is going to go with Shawn to the BYU/Utah basketball game tonight. (This is the whole reason for the shopping trip) I hope that he revives Shawn and gives him some multi-vitamins that reinvigorate his color and give him a reason to continue with this whole BYUSA thing. I cannot believe that he is considering doing this AGAIN next year, but as the head of the joint. Megan would be the perfect running mate, but Shawn may just have to settle for his #2 - Roxy.

I'm glad that ESPN is back. You have no clue.

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