Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Goodbye, Spring

All good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, the nice weather here is going down the toilet as dark clouds roll in and intimidate the blue sky. The 30+ hour workweek has also come to an end, as sales have gone down and brought hours down with it. March Madness is almost at its close and leaves a void of excitement in its place. I have a sad feeling that Chris Sligh is going to get voted off "Idol" this week and the house is starting to feel stale.

It's the spring restlessness, I know it.

The things that I'm thinking about recently have come down to a pretty normal level. While I do worry about some things more than I should, I've decided to take a cavalier attitude regarding them and say "Who cares." The things that are awesome, as always, continue to be awesome. The to do list is at a doable level and my visiting teaching is almost done for this month. All in all, my psyche is getting a rest.

My birthday is on Friday, as is Ian Ziering's. And Vincent Van Gogh's. I'll be 22, which is the first age that no one cares about. I mean, people care about it, but there's nothing woohoo about turning 22. And that's fine, seeing as I've had a lot of great and woohoo things happen for me in the last year. I need a break! I'm relatively sure that Caleb has something fun planned for Friday and there's a girls' night that is happening on Saturday night. I'm just trying to keep it real as I get older.

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