Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Should Be Your Girl

Today? It's going alright. I've gotten some stuff done, some other stuff not done. I have been exhausted the past few days and I've been craving the cereal Trix. Guess who typically hates Trix? It all comes down to possibilities, I suppose.

My father in law had knee surgery today; he's home now and not so out of it, but my mother in law is pretty tired, seeing as she's had some sickness recently too. It's weird to think, in these situations, that there's no way Caleb and I can go visit them now, bring soup and cookies for the little girls. All we can do is offer support from waaaay over here. I'm not really sure how to do that, though.

This weekend was inventory at work; it wasn't really that bad, as it was fun to be in the store with my friends and not have to worry about taking care of customers. I was happy to see the district manager Noelle and even more happy to hear that she was holding a manager's meeting last night. I hope that things get sorted out and that the problems everyone has with Tracey will be remedied. And I'm working 8 hours on Saturday, much to my chagrin. Maybe I should have asked off, seeing as it's my first St. Patrick's Day having Irish heritage. But, with others doing the same, I'll work and it won't be a problem.

The dinner party Caleb and I threw at our house on Saturday turned out perfectly. There was nothing missing from it and nothing that detracted from its fun. Dinner was lasagna and dessert was Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies provided by the Dixons. It was the perfect amount of couples and the best possible ones, save Megan and Josh (Meg had to work and it was terrible). Something about being married and having fun married stories is great for a dinner party. The day after was daylight saving, which made 8 am church unbearable. All in all, a great night.

And now I have to fill out my bracket for the NCAA men's basketball tourney. I'm going to conquer all.

1 comment:

gravityguysgirl said...

You don't need to worry about being far away so you can't help out here at home. We know you are thinking about us. And for the last 28 years, we have managed to take care of each other....creates a pretty funny picture though. Mom in my nightie changing the ice water on Dad's knee and then both of us crawling into bed by 9pm. It's pretty sad!
Love you! Mom