They say that you can tell what a person is truly made of when you analyze their idle thoughts. If a person is bad, they will think manipulative and evil thoughts. A good person will veer towards nice and soothing thoughts. Goldiggers will think of ways to dig, writers will think of the next storyline. It's not a bad thought process and it would be very nice to be able to read others' thoughts like that.
But I can't. So, I just read my own.
My idle musings, however, are confusing. Like, now. I'm totally thinking about how every little thing she does it magic, every little thing just turns me on. Even though my life is full of tragic, blah blah blah. You see, my thoughts in the quiet moments almost always turn into a radio station. Right now, it's The Police. This morning, it was Hilary Duff telling me that I should let the rain fall down, let it wash away my sanity.
My idle thoughts are songs.
Sometimes they apply to my life, sometimes not. It may be the song I last heard. The song that was in my dream last night could be my whole soundtrack for the day. The reason for The Police is that my boyfriend got kicked off American Idol last night. This is so deeply entrenched in me that the song he sang this week was the backdrop for my dream last night that he and I were both on American Idol and when he got kicked off, I took him to the mall foodcourt. That's just the way it is.
So, take what you will from the analysis of all of this malarkey. I just figure that tomorrow's idle thoughts will have to do with songs relating to birthdays and being alive in your twenties.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Goodbye, Spring
All good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, the nice weather here is going down the toilet as dark clouds roll in and intimidate the blue sky. The 30+ hour workweek has also come to an end, as sales have gone down and brought hours down with it. March Madness is almost at its close and leaves a void of excitement in its place. I have a sad feeling that Chris Sligh is going to get voted off "Idol" this week and the house is starting to feel stale.
It's the spring restlessness, I know it.
The things that I'm thinking about recently have come down to a pretty normal level. While I do worry about some things more than I should, I've decided to take a cavalier attitude regarding them and say "Who cares." The things that are awesome, as always, continue to be awesome. The to do list is at a doable level and my visiting teaching is almost done for this month. All in all, my psyche is getting a rest.
My birthday is on Friday, as is Ian Ziering's. And Vincent Van Gogh's. I'll be 22, which is the first age that no one cares about. I mean, people care about it, but there's nothing woohoo about turning 22. And that's fine, seeing as I've had a lot of great and woohoo things happen for me in the last year. I need a break! I'm relatively sure that Caleb has something fun planned for Friday and there's a girls' night that is happening on Saturday night. I'm just trying to keep it real as I get older.
It's the spring restlessness, I know it.
The things that I'm thinking about recently have come down to a pretty normal level. While I do worry about some things more than I should, I've decided to take a cavalier attitude regarding them and say "Who cares." The things that are awesome, as always, continue to be awesome. The to do list is at a doable level and my visiting teaching is almost done for this month. All in all, my psyche is getting a rest.
My birthday is on Friday, as is Ian Ziering's. And Vincent Van Gogh's. I'll be 22, which is the first age that no one cares about. I mean, people care about it, but there's nothing woohoo about turning 22. And that's fine, seeing as I've had a lot of great and woohoo things happen for me in the last year. I need a break! I'm relatively sure that Caleb has something fun planned for Friday and there's a girls' night that is happening on Saturday night. I'm just trying to keep it real as I get older.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I Should Be Your Girl
Today? It's going alright. I've gotten some stuff done, some other stuff not done. I have been exhausted the past few days and I've been craving the cereal Trix. Guess who typically hates Trix? It all comes down to possibilities, I suppose.
My father in law had knee surgery today; he's home now and not so out of it, but my mother in law is pretty tired, seeing as she's had some sickness recently too. It's weird to think, in these situations, that there's no way Caleb and I can go visit them now, bring soup and cookies for the little girls. All we can do is offer support from waaaay over here. I'm not really sure how to do that, though.
This weekend was inventory at work; it wasn't really that bad, as it was fun to be in the store with my friends and not have to worry about taking care of customers. I was happy to see the district manager Noelle and even more happy to hear that she was holding a manager's meeting last night. I hope that things get sorted out and that the problems everyone has with Tracey will be remedied. And I'm working 8 hours on Saturday, much to my chagrin. Maybe I should have asked off, seeing as it's my first St. Patrick's Day having Irish heritage. But, with others doing the same, I'll work and it won't be a problem.
The dinner party Caleb and I threw at our house on Saturday turned out perfectly. There was nothing missing from it and nothing that detracted from its fun. Dinner was lasagna and dessert was Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies provided by the Dixons. It was the perfect amount of couples and the best possible ones, save Megan and Josh (Meg had to work and it was terrible). Something about being married and having fun married stories is great for a dinner party. The day after was daylight saving, which made 8 am church unbearable. All in all, a great night.
And now I have to fill out my bracket for the NCAA men's basketball tourney. I'm going to conquer all.
My father in law had knee surgery today; he's home now and not so out of it, but my mother in law is pretty tired, seeing as she's had some sickness recently too. It's weird to think, in these situations, that there's no way Caleb and I can go visit them now, bring soup and cookies for the little girls. All we can do is offer support from waaaay over here. I'm not really sure how to do that, though.
This weekend was inventory at work; it wasn't really that bad, as it was fun to be in the store with my friends and not have to worry about taking care of customers. I was happy to see the district manager Noelle and even more happy to hear that she was holding a manager's meeting last night. I hope that things get sorted out and that the problems everyone has with Tracey will be remedied. And I'm working 8 hours on Saturday, much to my chagrin. Maybe I should have asked off, seeing as it's my first St. Patrick's Day having Irish heritage. But, with others doing the same, I'll work and it won't be a problem.
The dinner party Caleb and I threw at our house on Saturday turned out perfectly. There was nothing missing from it and nothing that detracted from its fun. Dinner was lasagna and dessert was Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies provided by the Dixons. It was the perfect amount of couples and the best possible ones, save Megan and Josh (Meg had to work and it was terrible). Something about being married and having fun married stories is great for a dinner party. The day after was daylight saving, which made 8 am church unbearable. All in all, a great night.
And now I have to fill out my bracket for the NCAA men's basketball tourney. I'm going to conquer all.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
I Wish The World Were Online
My life would be so much easier if its entire process was over the internet. Granted, I would make an exception for Caleb and for food, but other than that, everything sounds appealing over a computer screen.
Any cute dress I want to buy can be found online and shipped to me with 5 additional dollars. The CD I've been dying to listen to is available through iTunes, or if you're Rick, you can find it illegally somewhere. The up-to-date sports news and the latest celebrity hearsay is right at my http'd fingertips. My mom can email me and I'm more likely to respond with a full load of news which can't be interrupted with questions if I only have a 30 minute lunch. Online, I can do almost everything I want to do in less time than ever. That time that I save can be put to other slovenly uses, but dang it if I don't like things fast and impersonal sometimes.
But, what about that personal stuff? What about the times when it really is necessary for person to person contact?
Any important business, be it personal or financial, would be sanctimoniously augmented by instant messenger conferences and webcams. When I have something to gossip with about to a girlfriend, I'd text message with her while she was doing lunch in her living room. If all of the marketshare for a particular stock plummeted, the instantaneous efforts of an online trader would outweigh leaving a voice mail that would never get returned. Pouring out personal feelings would be easier, as looking into a real person's eyes makes one feel that much more vulnerable.
I'd miss hearing voices, seeing faces, poking in the ribs. But when that kind of loss is outweighed by the firewalls one can put up to keep us safe, it might be worth it. Definitely not a perfect world, but a sleeker one.
Any cute dress I want to buy can be found online and shipped to me with 5 additional dollars. The CD I've been dying to listen to is available through iTunes, or if you're Rick, you can find it illegally somewhere. The up-to-date sports news and the latest celebrity hearsay is right at my http'd fingertips. My mom can email me and I'm more likely to respond with a full load of news which can't be interrupted with questions if I only have a 30 minute lunch. Online, I can do almost everything I want to do in less time than ever. That time that I save can be put to other slovenly uses, but dang it if I don't like things fast and impersonal sometimes.
But, what about that personal stuff? What about the times when it really is necessary for person to person contact?
Any important business, be it personal or financial, would be sanctimoniously augmented by instant messenger conferences and webcams. When I have something to gossip with about to a girlfriend, I'd text message with her while she was doing lunch in her living room. If all of the marketshare for a particular stock plummeted, the instantaneous efforts of an online trader would outweigh leaving a voice mail that would never get returned. Pouring out personal feelings would be easier, as looking into a real person's eyes makes one feel that much more vulnerable.
I'd miss hearing voices, seeing faces, poking in the ribs. But when that kind of loss is outweighed by the firewalls one can put up to keep us safe, it might be worth it. Definitely not a perfect world, but a sleeker one.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Jeremiah Trotter
The Mountain West Conference Tournament started today; the team who wins today's game (TCU or New Mexico) will play BYU on Thursday. I'm really excited for BYU to win the whole thing and make a big splash in the Big Dance.
This is Caden Farnsworth. He is a baby. I think he is terribly cute and Kylee and Russ did a good job in making him. I am so happy to know him and I'm pretty excited to try and match his cuteness with our own baby someday.
I feel like I want to write this huge expression of just everything in the world.
More than that, though, I think that I want to feel luxuriously sassy. If what some say were true, then I could say whatever I want and then not care. However, I know some don't mean that. The point, however, is that the last two days I feel like I've been kicking it automatic style and not really participating in life. That may be because I did a hundred loads of laundry and can't not think about swimsuit season. So, that's all I have to say. Well, it's all that is going to be here.

I feel like I want to write this huge expression of just everything in the world.

Sunday, March 4, 2007
Not that another post is needed, but I kinda felt like this would be a perfect nightcap for me. My chill is gone, there was some delicious pork roast at Grandma's and I came in third place at Pirates of the Caribbean Life. But, as we all know, if you're not first, you're last. Therefore, I think it's safe to say that I've had a great day and now I'm just going to go into this next week with a certain amount of trepidation. Trepidation, you ask? Last week was really ragged and therefore I want to have so much hope for the new week. However, why set yourself up for being let down? I'll just coast into the week and wish that there will be some good things for me in the future.
Caleb is so excited for the "Search for the Next Pussycat Doll" show that starts this week. Oh, reality shows.
A Chill
My mom has always had some odd views on life events and small trivial things. Thoughts like "The ocean is SO deep" and "...with muuuusic in my voice" make me wary of taking anything that my mom says seriously. However, there are a few things that she's said that I will always hold dear. One of those things is that when you get a chill during the day, you're not going to get rid of it until you go to sleep and wake up again, whether it be the next day or after a nap. That has been proven true in my life over and over again. Unfortunately, around 8:30 this morning, I was sitting in sacrament meeting and a chill hit me. Therefore, I had to sit through the rest of the meetings with a chill, walk into my cold house with a chill and visit teach with a chill. There is no hope for me.
I feel almost as cold as Julie looks here.

Saturday, March 3, 2007
So Gutter, So Ghetto, So Hood
I feel like hustling today. Like, high heels and black eyeliner. Ah well, I'll rock the jeans and sandals as usual and see where that gets me. This was the first Saturday in awhile that I've been able to sleep in to my heart's content, so I woke up today like a lion and decided to be in a hustling mood. Does that make sense?
Today is a huge shoe shopping extravaganza, including some of the flyest girls in the West. Because of that, I hope that we score big and get all of our shoes for free by flirting with the checker and then giving him a fake phone number. I think the two youngest would be very funny doing that. However, if that can't happen, I'm pretty sure that I want good sales and a chill mood and all the good things that come along with going out for a little spree.
Caleb is going to go with

I'm glad that ESPN is back. You have no clue.
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