Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let Me Start All Over Again

I'm in the middle of folding the whites. I stopped right as I finished the socks, so I could write this blog post. Right now. I am a slave to my whims.

This last week has been tough. I lost interest in school, work, friends, and life. Like, all I wanted to do was nothing and all I wanted to see was no one. Actually, it's been more than a week. But, the point is that after being confronted with some reality, I decided to re-evaluate.

Therefore, I have made list after list that has really refined where I want to be and where I want to go, rather than just seeing what happens. They go from "What do I want out of life?" to "How can I fit what I want into my day?" And you know I'd share them here, but they are just like me - bold and potentially offensive.

But, those lists have made me reconnect with life. And I feel really cool about that. I'm creeping along at building up, slowly making each day separate and worthwhile.

I can't do the positive when I'm holding on to the negative. Therefore, I'm going to start striking that from my record, too. I wish I could do that here.

And don't flatter yourself. I'm not talking about you.

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