It began with a little Me Time, watching Raven and enjoying my pajamas far more than I should have. Unfortunately, Caleb had to be at work and there was no getting out of it. Soon, there's going to be a Saturday where I make Caleb a lavish breakfast and we totally relax while looking very luxurious in our bathrobes.
When Caleb got home, it was smokin' hot outside, and we were smokin' tired, so we took a little rest. A three hour rest. A rest filled with scrapbook dreams, snores and sweat. Summer naps are the best, but Saturday summer naps beat all.

So, now that I've admitted that I'm spoiled in such a way, it really helped today to get out and enjoy something outdoors. And it wasn't even that hot when we were there! By the later evening, it was even nice outside.

To make up for our lack of 4th fireworks, the Owlz even put on a little light show of their own. It was awesome.
To put it blandly, if the rest of the summer goes this well, I may never want it to end.
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