I am lucky enough to live in an age where it is virtually impossible to lose track of past friends and neighbors. The internet does not make it hard to just look someone up and find their phone number, current city, facebook profile, myspace profile, instant messenger address and that embarrassing photo of their eighth grade science fair win. In fact, it makes it pretty easy. And I am also lucky enough to have the type of personality that figures not seeing someone daily makes it a foregone conclusion that we're not friends anymore. Actually, that is a terrible trait and I pretty much rail on myself every day because of it, but that takes me back to my original point.
The internet rocks.
Recently, I've been reading some blogs of friends I haven't seen in at least a year; most are still single, most have graduated college, most are traveling the world and intensely enjoying life. Seeing all of these great people doing great things (with photos to illustrate their adventures more fully) makes me really, really happy. It also makes me laugh a little because seeing my friends adjusting to their New Grown-up Lives reminds me of when we all were adjusting to our New Teenage lives; luckily, the vast majority are being super successful at the transition.
That being said, I just wonder what it would be like to gather everyone together in a room, all of the old clan, and see if we would all still like each other. I hear there are times and places where things like this happen, but high school reunions have been far too overdramatized on television and movies to make me think that going to one would EVER be a good idea. I am talking about everyone meeting at a Jamba Juice or Starbucks and just shooting the breeze for a couple of hours. I want my former schoolmates, old boyfriends, people who I used to go to church with, ex-coworkers - I want the works at my massive LetsSeeIfWeStillThinkEachOtherIsCool shindig. Again, because of my glowing personality, there's no way that I'll ever make this come true. But the thought of it makes me shimmer inside. The thought of my (probably now brain dead from drugs) first boyfriend hanging out with my (pretentious and "learn-ED") former employer, both with a chai tea in hand makes me giggle.
I've been feeling really fortunate lately. There isn't much in the way of embellishment that I want to add onto that idea, but let it be known that I'm feeling the wind blowing in my direction. I really REALLY like it.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I Don't Sweat
After days and days of triple digit weather, yesterday brought 80 degrees and drops of rain to soothe our absolutely burning apartment. It was so awesome to have the sound of the air conditioner gone. I mean it. I love when the summer turns into thunderstorm central.
Since I last wrote, I've just been working and working. We got some new girls at work, who I love and pretty much everyone is back from their big summer vacations. I'm still thinking about finding another job and hoping that something will just turn up for me soon, but I don't want to risk not making enough baby money, whenever that baby should decide to appear.
Movies I've seen recently: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Ratatouille, Transformers, Grey Matters. Songs I love recently: Austin, Did You Get My Message, Do You, Lipgloss. TV Shows I obsess over: So You Think You Can Dance, The Office, Do You Know The Lyrics, Last Comic Standing. Talents I wish I had: cooking sweet dinners every night, being philanthropic, sheer will power. Things I hate recently: jealousy, people thinking I'm wrong, sweat, clutter. People I'm in awe of: Rachel Ray, Alisha, Caleb.
I'm really happy with how things are going and I just want them to go even better.
Since I last wrote, I've just been working and working. We got some new girls at work, who I love and pretty much everyone is back from their big summer vacations. I'm still thinking about finding another job and hoping that something will just turn up for me soon, but I don't want to risk not making enough baby money, whenever that baby should decide to appear.
Movies I've seen recently: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Ratatouille, Transformers, Grey Matters. Songs I love recently: Austin, Did You Get My Message, Do You, Lipgloss. TV Shows I obsess over: So You Think You Can Dance, The Office, Do You Know The Lyrics, Last Comic Standing. Talents I wish I had: cooking sweet dinners every night, being philanthropic, sheer will power. Things I hate recently: jealousy, people thinking I'm wrong, sweat, clutter. People I'm in awe of: Rachel Ray, Alisha, Caleb.
I'm really happy with how things are going and I just want them to go even better.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Ain't No Stoppin' Us
Today was the free-form day I needed to get back on top.
It began with a little Me Time, watching Raven and enjoying my pajamas far more than I should have. Unfortunately, Caleb had to be at work and there was no getting out of it. Soon, there's going to be a Saturday where I make Caleb a lavish breakfast and we totally relax while looking very luxurious in our bathrobes.
When Caleb got home, it was smokin' hot outside, and we were smokin' tired, so we took a little rest. A three hour rest. A rest filled with scrapbook dreams, snores and sweat. Summer naps are the best, but Saturday summer naps beat all.
We were all arranged to go on a double date this evening to an Orem Owlz baseball game, but we got royally dumped and therefore we went alone. It was our first date date in a really long time and it was something that totally began summer for me. I think this all stems from an incredibly awesome hometown where you can go to free concerts and musicals and performances in an outdoor venue all summer long.
So, now that I've admitted that I'm spoiled in such a way, it really helped today to get out and enjoy something outdoors. And it wasn't even that hot when we were there! By the later evening, it was even nice outside.

To make up for our lack of 4th fireworks, the Owlz even put on a little light show of their own. It was awesome.
To put it blandly, if the rest of the summer goes this well, I may never want it to end.
It began with a little Me Time, watching Raven and enjoying my pajamas far more than I should have. Unfortunately, Caleb had to be at work and there was no getting out of it. Soon, there's going to be a Saturday where I make Caleb a lavish breakfast and we totally relax while looking very luxurious in our bathrobes.
When Caleb got home, it was smokin' hot outside, and we were smokin' tired, so we took a little rest. A three hour rest. A rest filled with scrapbook dreams, snores and sweat. Summer naps are the best, but Saturday summer naps beat all.

So, now that I've admitted that I'm spoiled in such a way, it really helped today to get out and enjoy something outdoors. And it wasn't even that hot when we were there! By the later evening, it was even nice outside.

To make up for our lack of 4th fireworks, the Owlz even put on a little light show of their own. It was awesome.
To put it blandly, if the rest of the summer goes this well, I may never want it to end.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Since U Been Gone

My back aches.
I've decided that that sentiment is a great way to start my entry today. It's more than obvious that my lower back pain is more interesting than me: a) going to work, b) organizing the office, c) making shepherd's pie for dinner or d) enjoying the air conditioning.
Today was a good day. I decided to fight through the bad and only accept the good. I put out positive thoughts into the world and I received a ton of good vibes in return. All I needed to cap the day off perfectly was just some chill time to relax and feel good; and here I am! Just getting out my magical thoughts of the day and hoping upon hope that tomorrow will be even better than today.
And today was a good day.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
The Weirdest Day Yet
Recently I've been categorizing my life into days. The best day, the worst day, the funniest day. Of. My. Life. That's a hard thing and a weird thing and I don't really know why I'm doing it, but I like it. I know which day fits with which title and I can see it all so clearly in my mind that it's almost like a comedy routine.
It's helping me get my groove back, which has been gone for so long.
I want to start writing fancyish all the time. I reread my old blog today, while I was sitting at home doing absolutely nothing for 8 hours, and I envied myself during that time period. To quote myself, "...being nostalgic is one of my least favorite things because i always feel two steps behind where i was. frustrating, no doubt."
That's probably how I'll always feel.
Even though my life is so different now than it was (and better in ways), I really knew how to live then. I knew how to get excited about things and like myself in ways that I cannot even see possible now. When thoughts come out on virtual paper like, "I am so pretty that my ego should be huge," though ironic, is comforting to an older, wider, more grizzled little girl.
I just remembered that for a span of years, I was convinced that I had a charmed life. If I put a want or a need out into the universe, it would almost wholly come to me. In what frame of time, it was never the same. But I remember specifically thinking that I got XYZ job because I needed it RIGHT then or that I got asked out on a date immediately (and randomly) after I wanted it. Now that I've seen one real person who truly has a charmed life, I am going to try to rekindle that feeling. But, I know it will be semi-charmed, because there's no way that I can match The. Charmed. Life.
I am going to go to sleep tonight as me and wake up tomorrow as a better me.
It's helping me get my groove back, which has been gone for so long.
I want to start writing fancyish all the time. I reread my old blog today, while I was sitting at home doing absolutely nothing for 8 hours, and I envied myself during that time period. To quote myself, "...being nostalgic is one of my least favorite things because i always feel two steps behind where i was. frustrating, no doubt."
That's probably how I'll always feel.
Even though my life is so different now than it was (and better in ways), I really knew how to live then. I knew how to get excited about things and like myself in ways that I cannot even see possible now. When thoughts come out on virtual paper like, "I am so pretty that my ego should be huge," though ironic, is comforting to an older, wider, more grizzled little girl.
I just remembered that for a span of years, I was convinced that I had a charmed life. If I put a want or a need out into the universe, it would almost wholly come to me. In what frame of time, it was never the same. But I remember specifically thinking that I got XYZ job because I needed it RIGHT then or that I got asked out on a date immediately (and randomly) after I wanted it. Now that I've seen one real person who truly has a charmed life, I am going to try to rekindle that feeling. But, I know it will be semi-charmed, because there's no way that I can match The. Charmed. Life.
I am going to go to sleep tonight as me and wake up tomorrow as a better me.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Absolutely Zero
Happy Canada Day! I've celebrated this wondrous event ever since I had a crush on one very cute Canadian boy two summers ago. Since then, we've both gotten married to other people and I'm pretty sure he lives in Idaho now, but I still have to represent my brethren from the North. I don't make anything fancy and there's not really any pomp that happens because of it, but it still lives on in my heart. Oh, Canada!
Caleb and I are officially alone again. We've been together with family for a week and a half now; while it's been fun, it's also been kind of stressful. We are both looking forward to putting together our new place and maxing and relaxing for the rest of the summer.
I've already gotten my first sunburn of the summer, so I'm officially ready for anything now.
Yesterday was Grandma Liebeck's funeral. Everyone from my family came, except for Carlie, who just got a job at Jose's. It wasn't that strenuous and I think everyone kept it together pretty well; I'm glad that Mommy could get some tears out because I know she loves Grandma very much. Having just done a temple session and being very aware of the plan of salvation recently, I was very appreciative for the knowledge that Mom is able to see her Grandma again and that Grandma is now in a place with all the people she outlived. She was 95, for heaven's sake.
Just by the by, Transformers comes out in less than 48 hours.
Caleb and I are officially alone again. We've been together with family for a week and a half now; while it's been fun, it's also been kind of stressful. We are both looking forward to putting together our new place and maxing and relaxing for the rest of the summer.
I've already gotten my first sunburn of the summer, so I'm officially ready for anything now.
Yesterday was Grandma Liebeck's funeral. Everyone from my family came, except for Carlie, who just got a job at Jose's. It wasn't that strenuous and I think everyone kept it together pretty well; I'm glad that Mommy could get some tears out because I know she loves Grandma very much. Having just done a temple session and being very aware of the plan of salvation recently, I was very appreciative for the knowledge that Mom is able to see her Grandma again and that Grandma is now in a place with all the people she outlived. She was 95, for heaven's sake.
Just by the by, Transformers comes out in less than 48 hours.
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