This picture was taken on a big, wonderful, awesome, perfect birthday extravaganza that was organized specifically for that cute boy in it. I took Caleb to Heber/Park City over his birthday weekend; we fell in love with those cities when we drove down Main Street months ago and felt right at home. It was the perfect getaway, filled with Spiderman 3, delicious pizza and jetted tubs.
I promise, it was the most flawless day I've ever had. And it wasn't even MY birthday.
Life has been going along at a pretty good clip lately. Everyone's hours are getting cut at work, so for the next three weeks I'm only working 3 days a week; this leaves me lots of time for potential housecleaning and scrapbooking

, but it has evolved into chatting with Caleb online and dealing with the hot weather outside. I've started working on my 12 x12 scrapbooking and it's going okay. Working out on the treadmill has been going great and I feel better already; the only thing I'm nervous about is whether or not the house will get so hot in the summer that I'll be hesitant to make myself more hot on purpose. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it though, eh? I guess the biggest thing that is the MOST hilarious is a huge misunderstanding that I had with myself and my artistic vision.

Do you see this baby? Do you see the words that go along with this baby? Once upon a time, 5 weeks ago or so, I was convinced that I was pregnant. I was so sure, in fact, that I made a secret postcard for
postsecret telling the whole world, since I knew Caleb doesn't want to reveal any pregnancy until he has had some time to adjust to it.
Weeks and a period later, I'm soooo not pregnant. But, nicely enough, someone commented on the website about my secret:
-----Email Message-----
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 7:41 AM
Subject: Last postcard
I just found out yesterday that I was pregnant! Everytime I think about it I start crying with joy. You are going to be a terrific parent, see you on the playground!
That makes me happy for that new little mommy, even though I probably won't see her on the playground for awhile.
And, as always, The Office. The season finale is tonight and I've been having a lot of Office dreams. Last night, it was that I was Pam, and the rest of the Office cast was on the reality show "Shear Genius" and we were all making hair styles for figure skaters. My mannequin head started out with pixie blonde hair, but as I started styling it, it became long and brunette. Obviously, Pam had her final cut in my dream. Anyway, I hope that I will be exponentially in love with The Office tomorrow morning.