Monday, April 9, 2007

This is Why I'm Hot

Overheating. Wearing a sweatshirt and shorts in a 70 degree house and I'm sweating. It's the feeling one has after swallowing a lot of pool water; the fogginess in your head mixed with the heat of the day. The moral dilemma of it all is that if I change, I will inevitably get cold.

I've been feeling out of it for awhile. I mean, it's not like I normally have lots to do and lots of appointments, blah blah blah. But, I feel like I can't even go stay at home and feel at ease. It's not anything to do with anyone around me - it's more a physical exertion that I'm not used to. I have to battle headaches and exhaustion and overall grumpiness. I feel like it's just like Mommy says - I need to take a multi-vitamin.

Dying to make a sweet ipod mix. I might need my ipod tomorrow and I think that I have the best ideas ever as far as the mix goes. A sweet blend of hard and soft.

There is so much sweet goodness at my house right now. I want everyone to come and share in it.

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