I am a face toucher. I can't stop touching my face, even if there is nothing going on up there. There is no apology big enough that would make this weird habit okay. It's one of those things that definitely increases the oil production on my face and keeps me looking young with all that acne. Or something.

I'm swinging. Mood swinging. All of the inanity that goes on in my life is usually soothing; it gives me something to figure out and handle and problem solve. But lately, I am going out of my mind with how one minute, everything is cool and the next, I'm blatantly freaking out. Hello, early menopause! It may be that there are multiple Hollys just wanting more air time; the cryptic and seductive Holly must be put on pause for the extremely irritated and sensitive Holly. Or something. It is a vexing thing, if only because I can't pinpoint why all of this is happening. And at the moment, I don't feel too badly for anyone who has to deal with me. But, this is selfish and unfeeling Holly, so who knows how I'll feel tomorrow?
Today, I made and sent a cute Thank You card to the poor owner of the wrecked Ford Focus. I didn't know how to word "Sorry your car is totaled, but you were really nice to me," so I just made the card as cute as I could and basically put "thanks" inside. It's the thought that counts, which is awesome because it's the only thing that I put thought into all day.

Which, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but Caleb and I went to the IMAX theater to see "Transformers" on the big screen. We went last Friday and had a fun time eating burgers before the show and sitting at the feet of alien robots during the show. This is of note because it was my last ditch effort to have Caleb see the movie in the theater one more time before the DVD came out yesterday. And yes, we now own it.
I will not waste tomorrow.
1 comment:
I am a face toucher too! Its not wierd and don't apologize for it. Although I will share with you my secret! I use the Clean and Clear line (favorites are the Advanced and Morning Burst) during the day and in the shower I use the Neutragena Oil Free acne wash and then for the occasional sincle pimple I use that on the spot treatment from Clean and Clear. So far it works (knock on wood) so maybe something like that can work for you!
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