Sunday, October 14, 2007

Find Your Dream Come True

There has been a quiet stillness in the house. Most people would equate that to peace, happiness, tranquility; for me, it's almost boring.

I can't stop being me.

With the coming National Novel Writing Month coming up, I'm excited to put myself in yet another unfinished work. Last year, I was able to come up with a small amount of ideas before November 1st came; as for the here and now, I'm just going to fly by the seat of my pants and hope that I don't completely embarrass myself in the process. The only thing I can think of to do that would actually help me accomplish the 50,000 word goal is to write a bunch of short stories. I don't happen to be the most creative writer in the world, so one huge, whole storyline that requires a beginning, middle and end sounds too extreme for me. Now, if I cut that up into little sections that I could fill with witty anecdotes and poignant plot points, then I might just reach it. Might being the key factor.

Just give me one more chance to make it right

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