A girl I visit teach asked me why Caleb and I attend basketball games (but she intonated all sports in general). My immediate response was "It's because we like competition," but I think it's a lot more than that. The conversation turned away from sports, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about her question. Caleb and I love to attend any sporting event; we have fun rooting for the home team and celebrating great plays on either side. There's something about feeding off the energy of the crowd and being able to turn to the strangers around you and high five and scream together. Also, there's always the potential to rush the field after a big win. All of these things are impossible when you're sitting on your bum at home, watching the game on TV. Besides, after all this proof, I just don't understand why one would begrudge someone else going to see a sport that they like. It's all just silly.
I haven't been feeling great the last 3 or 4 days. And, granted, I haven't been feeling 100% for awhile, but these past few days have made me really sick of being sick. Unfortunately, my specialist appointment was moved from today to Thursday, so I have to wait an extra two days to find out why my ear and head has been going crazy for so long. Until then, I'll just keep downing the meds and feeling guilty about Caleb waiting on me hand and foot. He is super, extra nice.
I'm so excited now that American Idol has started. It gives me something silly and awesome to look forward to and another television show to be obsessed with. I can't wait until the auditions are over so we can get to Hollywood week; for some reason, that is one of my favorite parts of the show. Yaaaaay TV.
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