Tuesday, January 1, 2008

We Never Learn, Do We

My body does strange things sometimes. Be it the occasional eye twitch or joint cracking, my body is just reliable that way. Therefore, I was not afraid during my bath this evening when I felt like my heart was beating from inside my abdominal area. But it got me to thinking, if there really is a heart beating in my stomach, I had better get out of the bath before I boil it. So, I drained the water and let my tummy stop beating.

I'm doing much better now.


I was asleep by 11 last night. I didn't ring in the New Year, but I do feel thoroughly cleansed from last year; it was messy and grungy. Now I feel at peace and like everything is coming together. And with that, I'll say that my fancy bath bomb I got for Christmas is totally the bomb.


Julie said...

More like DA' bomb! PS, didn't Mom say such nice things about me on her blog?!

Zotz said...

I am glad you liked your bomb and your heart is in the right place now. Ask Julie about her floating Mickey Heads.