I just can't stop making funny nose sounds! First thing in the morning and I'm quietly laughing because my body is this rancid orchestra.
There are just so many things racing through my mind - as you can tell from the title of my post, all of these things are empowering and really really really happy. The times when I have so many good happenings and inspiration to be better, faster, stronger should always coincide with great wake-up hair.
Since Prince was on Apollonia
Don't act like I never told ya
Remember, a few days/weeks/posts ago, when I said I was over the baby thing? Good thing that there are moments in life that bring us back to where we want to be, even if we don't know it right then. During my class at Archiver's yesterday, I got to hold a punk rock baby named Reggie; he held on to my hair and fell asleep on my shoulder, all the while drooling, drooling, drooling. And I'm not going to renig on a dream, you know?
Caleb has been so sick and right on the cusp of him feeling world-famous again, I catch the sluggish onset and the muscle spasms that kept me on the couch all night. And now that I'm feeling high on good ideas and a bit of Lortab, I can't wait to get better and paint the town so bright red. It's the one thing about me that I think is really unique - I get skin-bursting whims to do some really great things.
Turn me up!
I can feel change coming. Whether it's the weather or my insides or something in the world, there's going to be a change. And a good change, which is so hard to come by.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Things I've Been Thinking In Spurts

I've finally come to realize that the quality of friends is the bottom line.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
A Meant to Be Moment
Old friends! New lovers! And the disabled!
I wore my husband's khakis to work today. Happy "Didn't Do the Laundry and Now You Get to Pay the Price For It" day!
A sore throat lead to sharing it, doctoring it and now to poisoning it with thousands of milligrams of medicine. Caleb coerced me to the health center and I only went because I thought it might be mono. It's terribly perplexing to me how I have come to distrust anyone who tries to fix anything of mine that is broken; ever since January, when the fancy machines and doctors couldn't tell me why my head was exploding, I have taken an active disinterest in paying someone and wasting my time, only to receive a kick in the pants in return. That is why this dyslexic laptop will never get sent away, my ear will always pop and my parents' oven stays kaput.
Lady Dreamer
You may be the soundest sleeper
As always, an unpopular topic. But here it is.
To be frank, I have recently put the idea of a baby in the backseat. Not that it wasn't important or that there wasn't a chance, but more that other things and passions and ideas made it so I didn't have to think about a baby 24/7. A freeing experience, to say the least.
None of this means that I don't want to have a baby. It just means that I actually am seeing that there's life without the existence of making life, you know?
Seeing some of our old friends
Feels good to dance again

Who does this girl look like? Why is it that when I uploaded photos of the Colors concert to my computer that I was wondering why a picture of Shelley was in with them? I must be the only one who sees it.
I wore my husband's khakis to work today. Happy "Didn't Do the Laundry and Now You Get to Pay the Price For It" day!
A sore throat lead to sharing it, doctoring it and now to poisoning it with thousands of milligrams of medicine. Caleb coerced me to the health center and I only went because I thought it might be mono. It's terribly perplexing to me how I have come to distrust anyone who tries to fix anything of mine that is broken; ever since January, when the fancy machines and doctors couldn't tell me why my head was exploding, I have taken an active disinterest in paying someone and wasting my time, only to receive a kick in the pants in return. That is why this dyslexic laptop will never get sent away, my ear will always pop and my parents' oven stays kaput.
Lady Dreamer
You may be the soundest sleeper
As always, an unpopular topic. But here it is.
To be frank, I have recently put the idea of a baby in the backseat. Not that it wasn't important or that there wasn't a chance, but more that other things and passions and ideas made it so I didn't have to think about a baby 24/7. A freeing experience, to say the least.
None of this means that I don't want to have a baby. It just means that I actually am seeing that there's life without the existence of making life, you know?
Seeing some of our old friends
Feels good to dance again

Who does this girl look like? Why is it that when I uploaded photos of the Colors concert to my computer that I was wondering why a picture of Shelley was in with them? I must be the only one who sees it.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Should I Address All My Letters to the Well To Be?
Why is it that my urges to blog come 5 minutes before I have to be anywhere? What is it about the rush that makes my brain function?
That's it. I don't have enough NOW NOW NOW in my life. I can pretty much set my own terms and negotiate my contract. My specialty is not cracking under pressure, shining when there's blood, sweat and tears. And I just don't have that right now.
Listening to Jason Mraz makes me feel more magical.
I love being in love and working with people I love and having these moments that make everything seem glittered in twinkle dust.
That's it. I don't have enough NOW NOW NOW in my life. I can pretty much set my own terms and negotiate my contract. My specialty is not cracking under pressure, shining when there's blood, sweat and tears. And I just don't have that right now.

I love being in love and working with people I love and having these moments that make everything seem glittered in twinkle dust.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I'm a Hazard to Myself
Do yourself a favor, you who can't see without glasses. Read this poem.
I've been reluctant to wear my glasses, recently; it's a mixture of hating to depend on something and thinking about this poem. For those who aren't link followers, the poem by Lisel Mueller describes Monet refusing to have surgery done on his failing eyes. At one point, he says,
"I tell you it has taken me all my life
to arrive at the vision of gas lamps as angels,
to soften and blur and finally banish
the edges you regret I don't see...."
I've been trying to appreciate the things that are closest to me, both in proximity and in feeling. Luckily, I'm incredibly near-sighted (so much so that something that is three feet from my face is hazy), which aids me in paying attention to my immediate surroundings. As far as the people closest to me, they know I'm blind and don't laugh too much as I squint to see them.
I'm working so hard at being the person I should be. And I feel that this "person" is someone who appreciates what she has.
What I have is crappy eyesight and a beautiful world in front of me.
I've been reluctant to wear my glasses, recently; it's a mixture of hating to depend on something and thinking about this poem. For those who aren't link followers, the poem by Lisel Mueller describes Monet refusing to have surgery done on his failing eyes. At one point, he says,
"I tell you it has taken me all my life
to arrive at the vision of gas lamps as angels,
to soften and blur and finally banish
the edges you regret I don't see...."
I've been trying to appreciate the things that are closest to me, both in proximity and in feeling. Luckily, I'm incredibly near-sighted (so much so that something that is three feet from my face is hazy), which aids me in paying attention to my immediate surroundings. As far as the people closest to me, they know I'm blind and don't laugh too much as I squint to see them.
I'm working so hard at being the person I should be. And I feel that this "person" is someone who appreciates what she has.
What I have is crappy eyesight and a beautiful world in front of me.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
You Give Yourself Away
I love U2. I'll admit it.
Putting off way too many IMPORTANT things. Like, feeding my family with actual groceries and making sure that I actually can wear clean clothes.
Tonight's the night! Getting the act together!
A crash of waves, a break of thunder
Tiding the ebb and flows of hunger
Again, with the scrapbooking. Same paragraph as before and everything. Because of the flood at work, there is pretty much no way that anything normal can happen and therefore - nothing for us to do. Today, I made some wonderful little pages that I'm hoping are good enough to display. They are all little random gems that aren't really status quo for samples, but I love them! Maybe today is the day that I will receive some new prints in the mail and I'll just rampage through all my cardstock, ravish it and tear into some deep parts of history.
May I suggest you get the best
Or I'll get this crazy feeling out of my chest. It's my "there is probably something deep in my psyche that needs to be unleashed" chest clench. Or it's a "I have so much pent up energy and I need to go run around somewhere" esophogial spasm. Works like a charm.
I have never been able to explain it, but I've had it ever since I was a teenager. There are just some days where I feel like I can't breathe, but no matter how many puffs of the inhaler are inhaled. I'm sure it's a psychological thing, but I wish it wouldn't insist on visiting me so often.
With a whole new meaning and a brand new sense
Completely unrelated to the one I sent
I am so happy. I am so fresh. There are none that can touch me and none brave enough to try. If I weren't me, I would want to be.
Putting off way too many IMPORTANT things. Like, feeding my family with actual groceries and making sure that I actually can wear clean clothes.
Tonight's the night! Getting the act together!
A crash of waves, a break of thunder
Tiding the ebb and flows of hunger
Again, with the scrapbooking. Same paragraph as before and everything. Because of the flood at work, there is pretty much no way that anything normal can happen and therefore - nothing for us to do. Today, I made some wonderful little pages that I'm hoping are good enough to display. They are all little random gems that aren't really status quo for samples, but I love them! Maybe today is the day that I will receive some new prints in the mail and I'll just rampage through all my cardstock, ravish it and tear into some deep parts of history.
May I suggest you get the best
Or I'll get this crazy feeling out of my chest. It's my "there is probably something deep in my psyche that needs to be unleashed" chest clench. Or it's a "I have so much pent up energy and I need to go run around somewhere" esophogial spasm. Works like a charm.
I have never been able to explain it, but I've had it ever since I was a teenager. There are just some days where I feel like I can't breathe, but no matter how many puffs of the inhaler are inhaled. I'm sure it's a psychological thing, but I wish it wouldn't insist on visiting me so often.
With a whole new meaning and a brand new sense
Completely unrelated to the one I sent
I am so happy. I am so fresh. There are none that can touch me and none brave enough to try. If I weren't me, I would want to be.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
To Somehow Attract Your Attention
Thoughts of you are tattooed on my mind
Let me show you
Something cathartic about this space. It's just something that helps me get it all out and feel light as a feather when I'm done. Amazingly enough, there isn't even that much to purge lately - the job's good, the house is AMAZING, the boyfriend is the best. The only things that I could contend might be giving me restless nights are my crazy, vivid dreams of burning passions and raging idealisms. I'm up, pounding out realizations in the wee hours, only to forget them at dawn.
Strange, strange.
There was a flood in my store on Sunday night. Water main burst, 5 inches of standing water, 2 inches of silt. A Holly cleaning crew Monday morning. Awesome. Something like that. At least it's out of the ordinary. Wouldn't it be crazy if the place you worked was perpetually flooded?
You and me, I can see us dying.
Are we?
This scrapbooking thing is getting to impossible-to-reign-in heights. I am compelled to scrapbook at all times of the night and day. Point - there are few pictures left to scrapbook (for I will never do the wedding!) and I am in this frenzy to create and here I am. No pictures. Plenty of frenzy.
Relax your mind
Lay back and groove with mine
I am a believer in karma, to a certain degree. It doesn't hurt to do good things and to put good things out into the world because those good things can only be returned with good. The bad things? Well, they are returnable, as well. And that is why people find things happening to them that are otherwise unexplainable. Why else would anyone lose their keys in a matter of seconds?
Can anybody out there feel me?
Cause I can't seem to find myself.
I don't know when I became a-feared of the doctor's office, but here I am, once again. Cavities! I could probably point out, on a toothy chart, where it hurts and how deep the pain goes. It's not a mystery thing that hinders my dentistry progress - it's the adult process. I can choose what to do now. And what do I choose? Being stubborn about chewing sweet things only on the left side of my mouth.
Flight of the Conchords: Episode 4 has been downloading on iTunes for 4 hours now. Worth it?
What a hilarious misunderstanding.
Let me show you
Something cathartic about this space. It's just something that helps me get it all out and feel light as a feather when I'm done. Amazingly enough, there isn't even that much to purge lately - the job's good, the house is AMAZING, the boyfriend is the best. The only things that I could contend might be giving me restless nights are my crazy, vivid dreams of burning passions and raging idealisms. I'm up, pounding out realizations in the wee hours, only to forget them at dawn.
Strange, strange.
There was a flood in my store on Sunday night. Water main burst, 5 inches of standing water, 2 inches of silt. A Holly cleaning crew Monday morning. Awesome. Something like that. At least it's out of the ordinary. Wouldn't it be crazy if the place you worked was perpetually flooded?
You and me, I can see us dying.
Are we?
This scrapbooking thing is getting to impossible-to-reign-in heights. I am compelled to scrapbook at all times of the night and day. Point - there are few pictures left to scrapbook (for I will never do the wedding!) and I am in this frenzy to create and here I am. No pictures. Plenty of frenzy.
Relax your mind
Lay back and groove with mine
I am a believer in karma, to a certain degree. It doesn't hurt to do good things and to put good things out into the world because those good things can only be returned with good. The bad things? Well, they are returnable, as well. And that is why people find things happening to them that are otherwise unexplainable. Why else would anyone lose their keys in a matter of seconds?
Can anybody out there feel me?
Cause I can't seem to find myself.
I don't know when I became a-feared of the doctor's office, but here I am, once again. Cavities! I could probably point out, on a toothy chart, where it hurts and how deep the pain goes. It's not a mystery thing that hinders my dentistry progress - it's the adult process. I can choose what to do now. And what do I choose? Being stubborn about chewing sweet things only on the left side of my mouth.
Flight of the Conchords: Episode 4 has been downloading on iTunes for 4 hours now. Worth it?
What a hilarious misunderstanding.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Most Boringest Post in the West
Today was the first day of nursery. According to the rolls, we have three sweet, awesome children in our class; but, for today, it was simply 2 two year old boys. We had fun crashing cars and eating pretend Dairy Queen and runningrunningrunning. We are very blessed to get a great calling that helps us get to church every Sunday!
Three scrapbook pages done today. I had jotted down a list while at work on Friday about doing some scrapbooking that I had been petrified to do previously; hello, I know this sounds totally silly, but follow me, here. The fear of doing things that are controversial and not foofy-la-la really turns me inside out, as far as scrapbooking goes.
But, it is done. Irrational fears, young love and bringing some blogging into the scrap world.
Oh so very cathartic.
Three scrapbook pages done today. I had jotted down a list while at work on Friday about doing some scrapbooking that I had been petrified to do previously; hello, I know this sounds totally silly, but follow me, here. The fear of doing things that are controversial and not foofy-la-la really turns me inside out, as far as scrapbooking goes.
But, it is done. Irrational fears, young love and bringing some blogging into the scrap world.
Oh so very cathartic.
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