Monday, October 8, 2007

Just In Time To Save the World From Being Taken Over

I have a friend/co-worker who is due to have her very first baby on October 20th; her doctor says that the baby could come at any time and to be ready for it. Her husband is in Iraq until May and she works just as much as I do at Archiver's. The other day, she and I were talking about the possibility of doing a scrapbooking night sometime next month and she pointed out that she would have to wait to see what her babysitting schedule looked like.

It was pointed out that she doesn't have to worry about that kind of thing now and that perhaps it should stay that way - keep the baby in her forever until she doesn't have to be babysat anymore.

Later that evening, Caleb stated that he would like it if all babies were born 8 months old, because apparently that's when babies become fun.

It's obvious that at the Flanagan house, we have a skewed vision of what it means to bring a life into the world.

Let's go on a living spree
They say the best things in life are free

This weekend was supposed to be full of spiritual goodness and jammies, as it was time for the the bi-annual General Conference. However, instead, I worked straight through almost all 4 sessions. I caught the last hour or so of the Sunday afternoon session, which gave me goosebumps and all. Then I was able to go to Grandma Chatfield's for Sunday dinner, which made for some interesting conversation. I'm sure my husband will reference in his blog at some point this week about how I was (kiddingly!) mentioning his poor kissing skills.

I also referenced last night that when I'm having a bad day, it takes me 5 minutes to write paragraphs and paragraphs. But, today, it's taken me 45 minutes to write these few sentences. Guess that means it's a pretty good day.

1 comment:

Zotz said...

So I hear, the Transformers are coming to live at your house before a baby gets there. Talk about the big question...Do you have room?