Saturday, October 13, 2007

Say It Again: So It Is.

Right now, I'm sitting, watching the BYU/UNLV game. It's the first one this football season that I've been able to see. There are a few reasons why I've missed out so much: I've been working, I've been otherwise engaged, the games haven't been broadcast on The Mountain. It's amazing how last season, I was so diehard and now I'm just a casual fan. I know the names of the quarterback and a few of the running backs and that's it; this time last year, I could tell you the names and numbers of so many more players. I also didn't really work on Saturdays ever last year.

What a difference 365 days makes.

Feeling hungry, even though we ate a couple of hours ago. Since the McDonald's monopoly craze has begun, Caleb and I figured that we should take advantage of our chicken mcnugget addiction and get some big money out of it. Therefore, I'm in charge of keeping track of all the little pieces, as well as entering them onto the virtual game board. I say all this because we had McDonald's a little before the football game started and it makes me crazy to have my body tell me it's hungry when I know it shouldn't be.

It is a big dream for me that my eyes don't eventually give out on me. They are just terrible already; usually I can at least fake it when I can't see something, but lately I've been feeling really hindered. The other day I left the house to go get Caleb from work, forgetting that I hadn't grabbed my glasses. By the time I drove the 4 minutes to the Joseph F. Smith building, I was tired of squinting and made Caleb drive home. I'm pondering whether it would be a smart idea for me (once Caleb gets a big boy job and actual insurance) to get Lasik surgery; I know that it isn't exactly necessary, since I don't need my glasses first thing in the morning, but it might save my life in case I need to drive in an emergency or something.

For what it's worth, I am enjoying the rain, though others aren't.

Someday, I hope that I get a new fish soon. My grief has subsided over The Warrior and I think that another fish would be a good addition to the Flanagan home. Every time we consciously visit Wal-mart to get another beta fish, they either are severely lacking in quantity or missing something in quality. The only thing I can think of that is holding us back is that the timing isn't right. Someday!

And it looks like
we won't end up dressing up for Halloween.

I'm feeling like I was right about big changes.

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