Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Don't Sweat

After days and days of triple digit weather, yesterday brought 80 degrees and drops of rain to soothe our absolutely burning apartment. It was so awesome to have the sound of the air conditioner gone. I mean it. I love when the summer turns into thunderstorm central.

Since I last wrote, I've just been working and working. We got some new girls at work, who I love and pretty much everyone is back from their big summer vacations. I'm still thinking about finding another job and hoping that something will just turn up for me soon, but I don't want to risk not making enough baby money, whenever that baby should decide to appear.

Movies I've seen recently: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Ratatouille, Transformers, Grey Matters. Songs I love recently: Austin, Did You Get My Message, Do You, Lipgloss. TV Shows I obsess over: So You Think You Can Dance, The Office, Do You Know The Lyrics, Last Comic Standing. Talents I wish I had: cooking sweet dinners every night, being philanthropic, sheer will power. Things I hate recently: jealousy, people thinking I'm wrong, sweat, clutter. People I'm in awe of: Rachel Ray, Alisha, Caleb.

I'm really happy with how things are going and I just want them to go even better.

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